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Dino Patti Djalal – Mau IKN Sukses? Ikuti 3 Pedoman Ini!

Belakangan ini, Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) menjadi buah perbincangan hangat di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Banyak pertanyaan mengenai prospeknya IKN di masa depan sebagai mahkota baru bangsa Indonesia. Dalam video ini,
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Global Town Hall Series #6 – The Rising Tide: China’s Rise and Its Global Implications

The growth of China’s economic, political, diplomatic, military, cultural, social and technological power has become one of the defining features of the 21st century world system. Within a few years,
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Dino Patti Djalal | A Timely Fatwa from Indonesia’s Highest Islamic Council on Climate Change

Last November 2023, Indonesia released its first Fatwa on climate change. Indonesia’s highest Islamic authority, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), issued the Fatwa on Global Climate Control Law, which rules
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Dino Patti Djalal | Kunjungan Prabowo Subianto ke Tiongkok dan Jepang: The Game is On!

Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto baru saja melakukan kunjungan kepada Presiden Tiongkok H.E. Xi Jinping dan Perdana Menteri Jepang H.E. Fumio Kishida. Kedua kunjungan ini merupakan kunjungan ke luar negeri pertama
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Building Bridges: Indonesia and Ireland Perspectives on the War in Gaza

Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) and the Embassy of Ireland in Indonesia held a virtual public discussion titled ‘Building Bridges: Indonesia and Ireland Perspectives on the War in Gaza’
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(FPCI-MPSN) held a virtual public discussion titled ‘Mapping Geopolitical Shifts in the Middle-East’

Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia Middle Power Studies Network (FPCI-MPSN) held a virtual public discussion titled ‘Mapping Geopolitical Shifts in the Middle-East’ on 27th March 2024. The panelists included: Prof.
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FPCI Virtual Public Discussion
1/6 videos
Virtual Round-table Discussion with Governor Ridwan Kamil - The Fight Against COVID-19 in West Java
Virtual Round-table Discussion with Governor Ridwan Kamil - The Fight Against COVID-19 in West Java
Indonesia's Foreign Policy in Addressing the Threat of COVID-19 with H.E. Retno L.P Marsudi
Indonesia's Foreign Policy in Addressing the Threat of COVID-19 with H.E. Retno L.P Marsudi
Virtual Global Town Hall - Briefing untuk Diaspora Indonesia: Perang Melawan COVID-19 di Tanah Air
Virtual Global Town Hall - Briefing untuk Diaspora Indonesia: Perang Melawan COVID-19 di Tanah Air
Multi-Faith Efforts in Addressing COVID-19 in Indonesia and Across the Globe
Multi-Faith Efforts in Addressing COVID-19 in Indonesia and Across the Globe
Anticipating a COVID-19 Global Economic Crisis: How Should Indonesia Get Prepared?
Anticipating a COVID-19 Global Economic Crisis: How Should Indonesia Get Prepared?
Coronavirus Crisis? Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Indonesian and World Economy
Coronavirus Crisis? Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Indonesian and World Economy