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Corporate Policy Brief Program

Within the volatile political situation, changes in the socio-political climate and regulatory issues are inevitable. Meanwhile, a series of global issues such as climate change, financial stability, and cyber security creates an even more complex business environment. Companies are faced with the critical challenge to adapt with the current situation. The vigorous growth of a company owes much to the right strategy in pinpointing risks and opportunities and the response towards the economic and political situation.

As an organization devoted to international affairs, FPCI is taking concern on how to help businesses and governments to better understand and navigate through the dynamics and power play behind the phenomenon in international politics. Entering the new era of structural disruption; governments, companies, and agencies has the need to manage a higher level of uncertainty under volatile political conditions. It is important to not only follow politics as it unfolds, but also to understand its key players. 

FPCI Corporate Policy Brief Program mainly aims to provide a platform for companies in Indonesia to receive policy updates and briefings from Indonesian key decision makers and experts. Under this tailored corporate program, FPCI is committed in assisting companies to not just understand what is happening but to also identify the significance of related stakeholders and map out the key actors behind the power play to help them respond on a wide array of challenges in growing its business in Indonesia.

FPCI CEO Breakfast Meeting

This program acts as a closed-door informal meeting with high-level state officials to participate in policy discussions. The participation is limited to executive level. To enable as candid of a discussion as possible, the meeting is held in private (no media, 30-40 attendees) with same-table format involving business leaders from Indonesia and abroad.

Through this program, corporate leaders who are participating will receive a policy update as well as insights and analysis about the direction of future government policies. These updates are significant for the understanding of companies in generating micro or macro decisions. The CEOs also have an opportunity to ask for clarification and confirmation on particular issues – directly from the decision makers. More importantly, attendees have a special chance to present input and recommendations particularly on Indonesian economic policies. The 90-minute discussion will begin with short remarks from the honorable guest, followed by a discussion in which participants can raise questions as well as provide suggestions, concerns and input to the guest. The program is convened on a monthly basis.

Indonesia’s Economic and Political Briefing Series

The briefing is conducted in a seminar format featuring economic and political experts to discuss the current situation, evaluations and outlook of the economic and political situation. This program aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Indonesia’s economic and political condition, which can later be useful to pinpoint the risks and opportunities for the current business situation. This program is held twice a year, with the series mainly consisting of (1) Indonesia’s Economic and Political Review, held in in the first semester of the year and (2) Indonesia’s Economic and Political Outlook, held in the second semester of the year.

Corporate Collaboration

FPCI collaborates with its corporate partners to promote values together and educate the public on the most pressing issues through public intellectual events. Our joint event is dedicated to enhancing public understanding on current issues by providing knowledge and promoting best practice values to the community from our prominent speakers. Under this program, FPCI works closely with companies to co-host certain events or has a joint project. FPCI is involved in conceptualizing the concept of the project or event, organizing the arrangement, as well as engaging with panelists, audiences, and media.

Speaking Engagement

Dr. Dino Patti Djalal is known for delivering straight-forward views and deep analysis on the current geo-political situation, global economy, foreign policy and power balances. He is an eloquent speaker whose presentations are drown based on his extensive experience from national politics and international affairs. Dr. Dino Patti Djalal speaks on topics related to international affairs and personal leadership. 

Under this program, FPCI can provide insights into what is happening in international affairs and how it affects the economy, business, and the general public through speaking engagement with our founders. Dr. Dino Patti Djalal and other co-founders at FPCI frequently address high-level executive briefings, large conferences, and international summits.

Executive Counsel

How a company makes or breaks their strategy to grow business or define investment allocation relies on the regulatory issues of the country. Global issues are also taking on increased importance for the decision-making process. This program enables high-level executives of the company to obtain private and in-person meetings or custom briefings with our founder to receive a perspective in understanding the current world situation and how to adapt with the government’s regulations.

Corporate Coaching

Our corporate coaching provides executives and/or employees with the essential tools needed to understand and respond to certain scenario in business through public speaking classes and negotiation skill workshops. We offer highly customizable in-house training sessions for individual companies for a wide range of professionals.

Previous Program

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Afni Damanik | +62 878 8873 9669