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Research & Analysis



ASEAN-China Survey 2022: “Managing Cooperation Amidst Geopolitical Tension”

After 30 years of cooperation, ASEAN-China relations have deepened further through the newly announced Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP). However, ongoing geopolitical tensions (e.g. the Russia-Ukraine war) have posed a challenge to the partnership. These issues raise some questions for China and Southeast Asia – how does geopolitical uncertainty influence ASEAN-China relations? What does the CSP mean for Southeast Asia? And most importantly, what do Southeast Asians think on this matter? Those three questions are what FPCI aims to uncover.

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FPCI Policy To Watch – Cambodia’s ASEAN Chairmanship: Understanding Cambodia’s Way for Myanmar

The Myanmar conflict has been turned into a multidimensional crisis of politics, security, economy, health, food, and many more. The 5-points consensus agreed by ASEAN leaders at the Jakara Summit in 2021 is expected to be the prescription principles to address the crisis and to facilitate progress on peace and reconciliation. Unfortunately, after one year since the coup d’etat, we have not seen any significant progress on the ground nor a change in behavior from the Military Junta.

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Issues to Watch: Can ASEAN be Indo-Pacific Manager? – Interview with Bilahari Kausikan

Sitting in the Indian and Pacific Oceans axis, Southeast Asia witnesses billions of dollars worth of goods pass through its waters as the region is becoming more mature in economics, trade, investment, innovation, production, and geopolitical position in the global chessboard. Given its strategic place, countries in the region are responsible for managing the region’s stability and balance in Southeast Asia.

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ASEAN-China Survey 2021: “Assessing Three Decades of Partnership”

The year 2021 is a special year for ASEAN and China as we commemorate the 30th anniversary of ASEAN China – Dialogue Relations that was established in 1991. In light of this, FPCI recognizes the importance of continuing the study. Therefore, we will be conducting the second annual survey, “ASEAN – China Survey 2021: Assessing Three Decades of Partnership.”

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ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and Indonesia’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: What’s Next? – Interview with Dr. Siswo Pramono

Since the announcement of the Outlook in 2019, people are wondering “what is the next step of ASEAN and Indonesia’s (as the initiator) strategy on Indo-Pacific?” Today, countries such as Germany, UK, France, and Canada are developing their own Indo-Pacific strategy and outlook. The QUAD (The US, Japan, Australia, and India) is getting more align with their first leaders’ summit. How does the AOIP accommodate the multipolar world and geopolitical competition? What is the projection of AOIP in the view of ASEAN and Indonesia? How does Indonesia utilize AOIP? What kind of initiatives has been done or currently in the pipeline since its announcement?

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Unidentified Sea Glider at Indonesian Seas: What does it tell us? – Interview with Prof. Hasjim Djalal

Earlier this month, an unidentified underwater drone found in the Selayar Waters of South Sulawesi captured the attention of Indonesian media. The occasion was the third occurrence that a foreign drone, also known as a ‘sea glider,’ was found in the nation’s waters. Needless to say, the discovery triggered a country-wide public furious and strong backlash from the Indonesian parliament members – especially upon heightened suspicion of the drone’s origin.

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Digital Product

ASEAN-China Survey 2020 Report

In welcoming the 30th anniversary of the ASEAN-China relations next year, FPCI Research & Analysis department conducted a public survey about the ASEAN-China relationship from June until October 2020. The survey is titled “ASEAN-China Survey 2020: Assessing the Present and Envisioning the Future of ASEAN-China Relations.” The survey involved 1000 respondents from 10 ASEAN Member States and coming from five segments of the general public: government officials, academia, business community, civil society, and students.

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ASEAN Centrality in Today’s Geopolitical Context – Interview with H.E. Jose Tavares

The world is being overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic along with its adverse impacts. Yet, the pandemic also not halted any geopolitical tension and rather to heat the situation. Now, countries around the globe are coping with economic and health crises simultaneously. In this time of hardships, ASEAN as a regional bloc has to cooperate and address the crisis together.

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Issues to Watch on Indonesia’s Foreign Policy in the Post-Pandemic World – Interview with H.E. Dr. Hassan Wirajuda

I think it is a bit too early for us to talk about the post-COVID-19 world as we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. And there is no clear sign when the pandemic could end. The number of those who are affected all over the world continues to increase. As of today, the latest record shows there are 26.3 million confirmed cases and 868.000 deaths. All countries in the world are affected by this pandemic without exception. There are countries which are badly affected, some are less, all with a different degree of effectiveness in mitigating this pandemic.

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Research & Analysis

FPCI Research and Analysis (FPCI R&A) is FPCI’s research division focusing on 6 areas of interest – Geo-Politics, Indonesian Foreign Policy, ASEAN, Cities, Diaspora, and Globalization. Our work is to contribute to the foreign policy development and thinking process. We work in collaboration with policy makers, experts, lecturers, researchers, officials, as well as the public on specific issues and trends. Our product is characterized as a policy-oriented analysis. We also work to enhance public understanding and engagement on international issues through conferences, public discussions, reports and publications.

Our flagship research product is FPCI regional survey – ASEAN-China Survey and ASEAN Peoples’ Perception Survey whereas both surveys participated with 1,500 respondents from 11 ASEAN Countries each edition.

In 2023, FPCI launched the Middle Power Studies Network (MPSN), a unit dedicated to studying the role of middle-power countries in regional and global affairs in the 21st century. MPSN engages scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders in middle-power countries and around the globe to explore the trends, the behavior, and the contribution of middle-powers in regional and global affairs. To support this, MPSN conducts daily public forums, track 1.5 and track 2 dialogues, research and analysis publications– among others. For this, MPSN also partners with think tanks and research institutions from all around the world. More about Middle Power Studies Network.