Cegah Terorisme Saat Pandemi Corona COVID-19, Ini Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan – Liputan6.com

Liputan6.com, Jakarta- Dalam acara virtual Roundtable Discussion yang digelar oleh FPCI Kamis 9 Juli 2020, Dr. Noor Huda Ismail, Founder of the Institute for International Peace Building in Indonesia, menyampaikan pendapatnya tentang bagaimana pemerintah seharusnya mengaplikasikan pendekatan untuk tetap melakukan penjagaan aman dalam melawan terorisme di tengah situasi pandemi Virus Corona COVID-19.

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Pengamat: Ancaman Terorisme Meningkat Selama Pandemi Covid-19 – Damailah Indonesiaku

Jakarta – Ancaman terorisme di Indonesia dan beberapa negara, salah satunya Filipina, meningkat selama dunia menghadapi pandemi COVID-19. Hal itu dikatakan pengamat dan peneliti terorisme Noor Huda Ismail saat menjadi narasumber seminar virtual bertajuk Keeping Up the Fight against Terrorism during the COVID-19 Crisis dari lembaga think tank Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), sebagaimana disiarkan langsung via Youtube, Kamis (9/7/2020).

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Cegah Terorisme di Tengah Pandemi, Kepala BNPT Ikuti Diskusi Virtual Dengan FPCI – BNPT

Jakarta – Negara-negara di dunia kini tengah menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 yang menciptakan perubahan signifikan tidak hanya dalam aspek kesehatan masyarakat namun juga berdampak secara politik, ekonomi, dan sosial. Fokus pemerintah dan komunitas internasional kini diprioritaskan untuk menangani penyebaran Covid-19, situasi ini dinilai menjadi celah bagi kelompok radikal terorisme untuk melancarkan aksi propaganda.

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Roundtable Discussion on “Keeping Up the Fight Against Terrorism during the COVID-19 Crisis”

The impact of the COVID-19 to the national and global political, economy, health, and social landscapes have been dominating many discussion sessions lately, but to date, minimal attention has been directed towards the issue of security, particularly in regard to terrorism and other forms of violent extremism. There are, in fact, emerging waves of new cases related to acts of terror across the globe. Over the past following weeks, researchers and practitioners have been voicing out their concerns about a crack the pandemic may open to terror groups that seek to advance their causes. One researcher alerts that “terrorism is likely to morph into new shapes and forms. Terrorist groups have positioned themselves to exploit the opportunities of a post-COVID-19 world.”

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Ambassadorial Lecture with H.E. Vincent Piket – Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam – Part 2: Malang

Ambassadorial Lecture with H.E. Vincent Piket – Part 2: Malang

Last Thursday, July 9th, 2020, FPCI conducted the 2nd #FPCIAmbassadorialLecture with H.E. Vincent Piket, Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia.

The Ambassador gave us fruitful insights on the most pressing world agenda in 2020 for the European Union, namely dealing with COVID-19, economic rebound, climate change, global trade, global peace, and human rights among other things.

The lecture was joined by students from our FPCI Chapters in Malang — Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

The Future of Palestinian Statehood: Implications of the Israeli Annexation Plan of the West Bank

President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan revealed in January this year significantly favors Israel, with a ‘take it or leave it’ deal that leaves the Palestinians completely out of the discussion. It involved a United States-backed annexation plan of the West Bank that may take place as soon as July 1st. The plan also declared that Jerusalem will ‘remain Israel’s undivided capital.’ East Jerusalem, also claimed by Palestine to be the capital of their future state, has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East War.

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