Ambassadorial Lecture with H.E. Cameron MacKay – Part 2: Surabaya

For the 2nd FPCI Ambassadorial Lecture with H.E. Cameron MacKay, Ambassador of Canada to Indonesia, we are joined by students from our FPCI Chapters in Surabaya — Universitas Airlangga, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, and UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

This Ambassadorial Lecture Series aims to provide more understanding on the present and future relationship between Canada and Indonesia. Canada has several teams within the Embassy to work closely with Indonesian stakeholders from immigration, development cooperation, foreign policy, economic and trade, defense, and public diplomacy. This is Canada’s way to strengthen the bilateral relationship with Indonesia. Canada is working harder to develop more cooperation with the Indonesian government and also strengthen the people-to-people ties.

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