#DearG20Leaders Video Competition

Following the conclusion of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021, FPCI and the UK Embassy in Jakarta is conducting a nationwide online video competition to further promote the outcome of the COP26 and the Glasgow Climate Pact for all Indonesian citizens. This program aims to enhance awareness of climate commitments that countries, including Indonesia, made during COP26 in order to ensure that our leaders act upon those commitments.

The name of the online video competition is “#DearG20Leaders Video Competition”, with its theme being “COP26 Outcomes and What’s Next for the G20 Summit”. This theme was chosen to promote the outcome of COP26 and Glasgow Climate Pact and at the same time, mobilize youth voices to drive ambition for Indonesia to showcase its climate leadership as President of the G20 this year.

Competition Timeline

21 February 2022Launch of the Video Competition
21 February – 18 March 2022Video Submissions Open
18 March 2022Deadline
19 March – 24 March 2022Judging Process
25 March 2022Virtual Ceremony and Winner Announcement
26 March – 31 March 2022*Prize Distribution

FPCI Policy To Watch – Cambodia’s ASEAN Chairmanship: Understanding Cambodia’s Way for Myanmar

The Myanmar conflict has been turned into a multidimensional crisis of politics, security, economy, health, food, and many more. The 5-points consensus agreed by ASEAN leaders at the Jakara Summit in 2021 is expected to be the prescription principles to address the crisis and to facilitate progress on peace and reconciliation. Unfortunately, after one year since the coup d’etat, we have not seen any significant progress on the ground nor a change in behavior from the Military Junta.

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Virtual Public Discussion on “Is There an Arms Race Taking Place in the Indo-Pacific Region?”

There have been diverse perceptions on the current state of security in the Indo-Pacific after AUKUS announcement and the recent development of QUAD engagement. Some Southeast Asian countries have expressed concerns on the increasing military power projection in the region that might trigger (or escalate) an arms race. This brought a vague conclusion on how should ASEAN respond to the great powers’ moves on the region’s geopolitics chessboard. For this reason, the public discussion was held.

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Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth (DISG): The Next Chapter of ASEAN and Japan Economic Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era

In collaboration with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA); the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI); and the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC), Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia had the pleasure to host the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan– H.E. Koichi Hagiuda.

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Net Zero Indonesia by 2050: Roadmap for Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy

In cooperation with the Institute for Essential Services Reform; Kementerian PPN RI/Bappenas; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH; dan Germany Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety under Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) Programme, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia convenes “Net Zero Indonesia by 2050: Roadmap for Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy” to introduce a roadmap which will allow Indonesia to achieve net-zero emissions in the energy sector while sustainably thriving in meeting its power demand.

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