Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2021

FPCI telah sukses mengadakan Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2021 dengan tema “Selamatkan Indonesia Emas 2045 dari Ancaman Darurat Iklim” pada hari Selasa, 20 April 2021, pukul 11:00 – 16:00 WIB.

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Program Launching: Indonesian Next Generation Journalist Network on Korea

FPCI proudly launches the Indonesian Next Generation Journalist Network on Korea in collaboration with the Korea Foundation. This is a platform for Indonesian journalists to increase their understanding and expand their networks on Indonesia-Korea Affairs. The program specifically aims to create a growing pool of dedicated journalists who share interests on Korean issues.

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Time for Decisive Action: Kontribusi Indonesia Dalam Perjuangan Perubahan Iklim Dunia

Indonesia adalah penghasil karbon terbesar ke-10 di dunia. Indonesia saat ini juga tertinggal dalam kontribusinya untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim, karena tidak adanya kerangka kerja iklim dalam rencana pemulihan pandemi nasional dan tindakan lambat untuk memperbarui target pengurangan emisi karbon (NDC) sejak 2016. Mengingat hal tersebut, masih banyak peluang dan dorongan yang berkembang bagi Jakarta untuk membawa diri ke arena pertandingan.

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Welcoming 2021: Building Strategic Approach towards Achieving Inter-religious Peace

2020 might be one of the most challenging years in decades. As the world was not only struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the rising bigotry, hate speech, and extremism. From suicide bombing in Quetta, Pakistan, the burning of Qur’an by far-right activists in Sweden, the Islamist terrorist stabbings in Nice, France to the recent mass shooting in Vienna, Austria, and another mass killing in the village of Koshebe, Nigeria, we have not seen any progress in the fight against hate speech, bigotry, terrorism, and extremism. In spite of that, international collective efforts have also been conducted by various actors and institutions in hope for a better future of inter-religious harmony. This year, another chance at improving what we have left last year will proceed.

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Indonesia-Australia Campus-To-Campus Virtual Outreach: The Future of Diplomacy in the COVID-19 Era

It is not only students and the youth that are struggling to adjust to work-from-home or online classes and practically everything-virtual. World leaders, too, have to work remotely. Gone are the days of hand-shaking and shoulder pads, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended what are conventionally known practices of diplomacy: bilateral meetings, international summits, in-person negotiations — all of these things are now held online in accordance with public health safety guidelines.

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Ambassadorial Lecture – EU: COVID-19, Vaccines, Recovery, and International Cooperation with H.E. Vincent Piket

In collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) has the pleasure to once again conduct the #FPCIAmbassadorialLecture series with H.E. Vincent Piket throughout 2021. Ambassadorial Lecture Series aims to discuss various aspects of the bilateral relations between Indonesia and the European Union, especially during the unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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