Solusi Konflik Palestina-Israel Sudah Ada, Masalahnya Adalah…

Solusi konflik Palestina Israel sebenarnya sudah ada, namun rintangannya semakin berat. Sejak 7 Oktober 2023, lebih dari 7.000 jiwa warga Palestina telah terenggut karena eskalasi operasi militer Israel di kawasan Gaza yang terus meningkat. Jika intensitas serangan ini terus berlanjut, perdamaian akan semakin jauh dari gapaian. Meskipun ada tekanan internasional untuk menghentikan konflik yang memakan korban jiwa masyarakat sipil, Dewan Keamanan PBB gagal memberikan hasil yang berarti bahkan hanya untuk menyerukan gencatan senjata. Indonesia mengutuk serangan ini dan menyerukan gencatan senjata, serta mendesak agar koridor bagi akses kemanusiaan segera dibuka. Kita tidak bisa lagi membiarkan perang ini terus berlanjut, namun pertanyaannya: Apa solusinya? Sebenarnya solusi konflik Palestina-Israel sudah ada, yaitu solusi 2 negara (two-state solution) di mana Palestina dan Israel sama-sama ada sebagai negara yang merdeka dan hidup berdampingan secara damai. Namun apa yang menjadi halangannya? Inilah yang Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Ketua dan Pendiri FPCI, akan bahas dalam video analisa ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Salam Diplomasi.

FPCI Foreign Policy Tapes with Ambassador Delia D. Albert: “Insights into ASEAN Early Days”

In this episode of FPCI Foreign Policy Tapes, Ambassador Delia D. Albert, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines (2003-2005), shares her invaluable insights on the creation of ASEAN. Hosted by Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Founder and Chairman of FPCI, Amb. Delia talks about her early career in the Foreign Service and her involvement in the birth of ASEAN. She emphasizes the importance of personal connections and trust among ASEAN leaders in the creation of the organization. The ambassador also reflects on the current state of ASEAN and the need for reevaluating its structure, including the role of the Secretariat. Her emphasis on better engagement with the people of ASEAN and the importance of connectivity and strong internal relationships among member countries provides a roadmap for the future of the organization. Amb. Delia’s experience in the Foreign Service and her involvement in the creation of ASEAN provides a critical perspective on the origins and current state of the organization, highlighting the significance of relationships in international diplomacy.

For Ukraine & Palestine: President Soekarno’s Powerful Words on Independence

June 1st marks the anniversary of Pancasila, formulated by Soekarno that becomes the foundation Indonesia’s ideology and values as an independent country. Through Soekarno’s words and spirit for independence and against colonialism, FPCI hopes that our friends in Ukraine and Palestine would reinforce their belief and empower them to continue their fight for their independence, dignity, and human rights. His words should also remind us in Indonesia that we must always be consistent in standing up for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Takeaways from the G7 Hiroshima Summit

On 19-21 May 2023, the 49th G7 Summit was held in Hiroshima, Japan where leaders of G7 countries gathered to discuss a number of challenges to peace and prosperity facing the global order. Swipe left to find out the key takeaways from the summit!

Nasib Terumbu Karang di Dunia yang Semakin Panas

Dewasa ini, seluruh dunia resah mengenai bahaya perubahan iklim serta dampaknya terhadap kehidupan di Bumi. Dari segala mara bahaya yang menanti apabila Bumi semakin memanas, salah satu dampak yang perlu kita ketahui adalah ancaman perubahan iklim terhadap terumbu karang, dimana sebagai salah satu kekayaan alam kita. Melalui video ini, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal menyampaikan 1 data dari sekian banyaknya dampak dari perubahan iklim yang menanti kita apabila kita tidak bertindak SEKARANG.

12 Checklist Diplomasi Perdamaian Indonesia

Belakangan ini, diplomasi perdamaian merupakan fenomena yang ramai dibicarakan di arena politik luar negeri Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat mulai dari kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Rusia dan Ukraina, hingga upaya diplomasi Indonesia menangani konflik di Myanmar dan Afganistan. Apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan Indonesia sebagai juru damai dalam menangani konflik? Melalui video ini, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal mengusulkan 12 checklist diplomasi perdamaian Indonesia yang dapat digunakan sebagai tool of analysis fenomena ini.

The world needs a bottom-up approach to interfaith peacebuilding

Dino Patti Djalal (The Jakarta Post)

The world needs a bottom-up approach to interfaith peacebuilding

Despite the United Nations Charter, and commitments from states to the norms of democracy, freedom of religion, rule of law, pluralism and diversity, bigotry is very much alive and kicking at the grassroots level. 

Key Point on the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Annual Press Statement 2023

Every year, the Foreign Minister of Indonesia delivers the Annual Minister of Foreign Affairs Press Statement (PPTM). PPTM highlights Indonesia’s diplomatic achievements in the previous year and presents Indonesia’s foreign policy priorities for the following year. The speech is also crucial in understanding how Indonesia will approach its ASEAN 2023 Chairmanship and knowing what Indonesia has achieved from its G20 Presidency.

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