Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2021

FPCI telah sukses mengadakan Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2021 dengan tema “Selamatkan Indonesia Emas 2045 dari Ancaman Darurat Iklim” pada hari Selasa, 20 April 2021, pukul 11:00 – 16:00 WIB.

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Time for Decisive Action: Kontribusi Indonesia Dalam Perjuangan Perubahan Iklim Dunia

Indonesia adalah penghasil karbon terbesar ke-10 di dunia. Indonesia saat ini juga tertinggal dalam kontribusinya untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim, karena tidak adanya kerangka kerja iklim dalam rencana pemulihan pandemi nasional dan tindakan lambat untuk memperbarui target pengurangan emisi karbon (NDC) sejak 2016. Mengingat hal tersebut, masih banyak peluang dan dorongan yang berkembang bagi Jakarta untuk membawa diri ke arena pertandingan.

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Welcoming 2021: Building Strategic Approach towards Achieving Inter-religious Peace

2020 might be one of the most challenging years in decades. As the world was not only struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the rising bigotry, hate speech, and extremism. From suicide bombing in Quetta, Pakistan, the burning of Qur’an by far-right activists in Sweden, the Islamist terrorist stabbings in Nice, France to the recent mass shooting in Vienna, Austria, and another mass killing in the village of Koshebe, Nigeria, we have not seen any progress in the fight against hate speech, bigotry, terrorism, and extremism. In spite of that, international collective efforts have also been conducted by various actors and institutions in hope for a better future of inter-religious harmony. This year, another chance at improving what we have left last year will proceed.

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FPCI-Huawei Virtual Public Forum “Towards A More Digitized ASEAN: Shifting Currents, Opportunities, and Challenges in Time of Pandemic”

COVID-19 has reinforced the strategic role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in navigating regional resilience in a time of crisis. The pandemic demonstrated the use of technology in practice to keep business, governments, and societies running. However, every country has a different capacity in utilizing ICT to respond to COVID-19. How does ASEAN address this ‘digital gap’? How does the Master Plan of ASEAN Connectivity 2025 help in strengthening digital connectivity in the region? How has COVID-19 shifted the digital landscape in Southeast Asia thus far? What are the key challenges in transforming towards a more digitized community?

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RCEP: What’s Inside the Agreement and Will It Change the Region’s Economic Future?

After almost a decade in the making, the world’s largest free-trade bloc has finally been finalized in the direst of times. As the world faces an economic recession, RCEP delivers new hopes for its signatories to rebuild better, and most importantly, bounce back stronger in overcoming the threats posed by the pandemic. Bringing together major players of Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific, and Oceania, the signing of this historic pact indicates that countries are searching for hope in surviving the pandemic through multilateralism.

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FPCI – Global Town Hall 2020 – Rebuilding From The COVID-19 World

Global Town Hall is a 15-hour marathon discussion where world leaders and high-level experts will discuss on the theme, “Rebuilding from the COVID-19 World.” The conference will discuss the state of the world beset by the COVID-19 crisis, evaluate policy challenges and lessons learned, and gather ideas for future direction, especially in terms of how to rebuild the world economically, socially, environmentally, diplomatically and even geopolitically. Global Town Hall is organized by a consortium of 12 reputable think-tanks from around the world and will be watched by a global audience.

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