Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2021

FPCI telah sukses mengadakan Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2021 dengan tema “Selamatkan Indonesia Emas 2045 dari Ancaman Darurat Iklim” pada hari Selasa, 20 April 2021, pukul 11:00 – 16:00 WIB.

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Program Launching: Indonesian Next Generation Journalist Network on Korea

FPCI proudly launches the Indonesian Next Generation Journalist Network on Korea in collaboration with the Korea Foundation. This is a platform for Indonesian journalists to increase their understanding and expand their networks on Indonesia-Korea Affairs. The program specifically aims to create a growing pool of dedicated journalists who share interests on Korean issues.

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What Makes the ASEAN’s TAC Tick? It’s the Wide Acceptance of the ASEAN Values and Principles Enshrined in It – Opinion by Calvin Khoe

When ASEAN was founded in August 1967, it was ostensibly for the purpose of economic and functional cooperation. However, the statements of the foreign ministers of the five original members—Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand—at the signing of the founding document, the Bangkok Declaration, hinted at an underlying objective: the survival of the member countries at a chaotic time in the region, as war raged in the Southeast Asian mainland.

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Time for Decisive Action: Kontribusi Indonesia Dalam Perjuangan Perubahan Iklim Dunia

Indonesia adalah penghasil karbon terbesar ke-10 di dunia. Indonesia saat ini juga tertinggal dalam kontribusinya untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim, karena tidak adanya kerangka kerja iklim dalam rencana pemulihan pandemi nasional dan tindakan lambat untuk memperbarui target pengurangan emisi karbon (NDC) sejak 2016. Mengingat hal tersebut, masih banyak peluang dan dorongan yang berkembang bagi Jakarta untuk membawa diri ke arena pertandingan.

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Statement by FPCI on the Military Take-over and detention of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political leaders in Myanmar

The reported detention of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her political allies in the aftermath of the elections in November 2020 is a definite step backward in Myanmar’s already difficult democratic consolidation in recent years. The military take over and its imposition of a state of emergency for one year has no credible legal, political and moral basis and indeed creates yet another bad precedent for Myanmar’s nation-building process.

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[Press Release] FPCI Senior Associates

The Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia, the largest foreign policy group in Indonesia with more than 100,000 people in its network, is pleased to welcome Professor dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Yongky Susilo, and Jamil Maidan Flores as the organization’s Senior Associates.

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