Chinese Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy

Since the coronavirus pandemic, the tone of Chinese diplomacy started to be more escalated and fractious especially in countering attacks and criticisms from foreign governments. These behaviours have been interpreted as “wolf-warrior diplomacy”. What does it mean and has it become the new norm of Chinese diplomacy?

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FPCI Virtual Discussion “Calming Troubled Waters in the South China Sea”

From the past few months, tension in the South China Sea has been rising. On July 13, 2020, the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a press statement reaffirmed the United States’ commitment in the Indo-Pacific and rejected Beijing’s claims on the offshoring of resources in most of the South China Sea. Secretary Pompeo noted that the PRC has been “bullying” Southeast Asian claimants like the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. On the other side, the Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian called out the United States for its “intensified meddling” in the South China Sea maritime disputes, and accused the US as using the South China Sea issue as a “geopolitical game. In the middle of China and the United States’ disputes, Indonesia just recently conducted a four-day exercise in the area, which was noted by observers as a “major show of force” against Chinese claims to the area and for CCG vessels that have repeatedly trespassed Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

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FPCI China Forum

Over the past 3 years, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) has actively kept track on China-related issue by providing a platform for a regular discussion among seating/former government officials, experts, academicians, and practitioners to gather and discuss important and strategic issues surrounding the Indonesia-China relations through our informal circle group
namely FPCI China Policy Group (CPG).

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Cegah Terorisme Saat Pandemi Corona COVID-19, Ini Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan –, Jakarta- Dalam acara virtual Roundtable Discussion yang digelar oleh FPCI Kamis 9 Juli 2020, Dr. Noor Huda Ismail, Founder of the Institute for International Peace Building in Indonesia, menyampaikan pendapatnya tentang bagaimana pemerintah seharusnya mengaplikasikan pendekatan untuk tetap melakukan penjagaan aman dalam melawan terorisme di tengah situasi pandemi Virus Corona COVID-19.

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