ASEAN-China Survey 2020: “Assessing the Present of and Envisioning the Future of ASEAN-China Relations”

This survey will assess the dynamics of the relationship and identify challenges and opportunities to improve ASEAN – China partnership towards the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China relations in 2021.

It will discuss issues in various fields including political security, economic, socio-cultural cooperation based on the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030.  Lastly, it will cover the partnership between ASEAN and China in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.

It seeks to explore the views of Southeast Asians towards the existing ASEAN-China relationship and the future opportunities ahead.

Estimated time to complete:  5-7 minutes.

Number of questions:  40 multiple-choice questions.

The survey will consist of 3 sections.

Section 1: Respondent’s Profile

Section 2: Overall Relationship between ASEAN and China

Section 3: Post- COVID-19 World

Respondents will be asked for their nationality, affiliation, and age group. Respondents will not be asked for their name and contact information.

Respondents’ data will be kept anonymous and confidential.

The results of this survey will be reported in a written document format. The results of this survey can also be used as a reference for policymakers on both sides, and for the public and diplomatic events, meetings and discussions between ASEAN-China government representatives towards the anniversary next year.

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