The Paris Peace Forum was launched in 2018 by French President Emmanuel Macron to promote collective action on today’s most pressing global issues. The inaugural Forum attracted 65 Heads of State and convened leaders from governmental and corporate sectors as well as from civil society – all united in reaffirming the core message.
The PPF is now an annual international event focused on reviving and improving global governance. Conceived as a response to rising tensions and the deterioration of the multilateral system, the Forum is based on a simple idea: cooperative solutions are key to tackling global problems and to ensuring durable peace.
FPCI is very pleased to announce that in 2020, FPCI will be one of the Founding Members of the Paris Peace Forum 2020.
Each year, the Paris Peace Forum launches a Call for Projects to select concrete governance solutions which take on global challenges related to the 6 themes comprising the focus of the annual event: Peace & Security, Development, Environment, New technologies, Inclusive economy, Culture & Education.
Peace & Security
???? #Peace is made up of all the #solutions that help reduce international tensions. As a Founding Member of the #ParisPeaceForum, we are proud to push for concrete solutions to advance global governance. https://bit.ly/35dsMDA
???? Comprehensive #solutions are key to facing global #development challenges. As a Founding Member of the #ParisPeaceForum, we are proud to stand behind a multifaceted initiative for better global governance. https://bit.ly/35dsMDA
???? We need cooperative #solutions to protect our #environment. As a Founding Member of the #ParisPeaceForum, we are proud to push for a more sustainable future. https://bit.ly/35dsMDA
New Technologies
???? #Solutions of #newtechnologies have the potential to improve the global governance system. As a Founding Member of the #ParisPeaceForum, we are proud to push for a safer future in the cyberspace. https://bit.ly/35dsMDA
Inclusive Economy
???? #InclusiveEconomy is more equitable, participatory, growing, sustainable, and stable. As a Founding Member of the #ParisPeaceForum, we are proud to advocate for equality and better global governance. https://bit.ly/35dsMDA
Culture & Education
???? #Culture&Education are the most empowering forces for human development and global peace. As a Founding Member of the #ParisPeaceForum, we are proud to push for better global governance and culture. https://bit.ly/35dsMDA