The United States – World Health Organization Tension during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The United States has been a long-standing friend and is the single largest contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO) with assessed contribution is 22% of its total members. Unfortunately, the tension between them has arisen since the outbreak concerning how WHO handled the pandemic. Following the decision to withdraw the funding made by the US, how did WHO respond and what is likely to be the impact?

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How are ASEAN Member States Dealing with COVID-19?

COVID-19 is truly a global problem, touching every corner of the world. The pandemic’s impact has been tremendous, with the potential to reshape all countries – including the countries of ASEAN. Though while their problems are similar, the impacts of the virus on each country and their responses are all unique.

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World Desperately Needs Cooperation, Leadership to Beat COVID-19 – Opinion by Dr. Dino Patti Djalal

Kim Kyung Hoon | REUTERS

The preferred policy response of every country threatened by COVID-19 seems to be a lockdown, or severely restricting movement (of people, goods and services) into and out of cities or countries. For now, this is undoubtedly the best way to slow down, contain and hopefully roll back the spread of the novel coronavirus within and between nations. But beating COVID-19 will require much more than a lockdowns, social distancing and travel bans. Even if China, South Korea and Japan succeed in scaling back the virus, that does not mean much if the rest of the world catches it.

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Virtual Public Discussion – Coronavirus Crisis? Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Indonesian and World Economy

The current coronavirus pandemic is creating enormous burden on the global economy. It is already inflicting serious damage on supply chains, demand, and financial market, affecting business investment, household consumption, and international trade. The ADB on 3rd April estimated the pandemic could cost the world economy $4.1 trillion or almost 5% of global gross domestic product. With the uncertainty of when will the pandemic end, governments are bracing for the full impact from the coronavirus economic downturn.

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Denmark Yakin RI Punya Potensi Besar Memajukan Energi Baru dan Terbarukan –, Jakarta – Dalam acara Public Discussion Forum yang diselenggarakan oleh FPCI (Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia) pada Rabu, (4/3/2020), Duta Besar Denmark untuk RI, Rasmus Abildgaard Kristensen mengatakan bahwa Indonesia memiliki potensi pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan yang besar dalam beberapa tahun. Alasannya karena memiliki melimpahnya sumber daya alam yang mendukung.

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CIFP Beri Masukan Politik Luar Negeri – Media Indonesia

RIBUAN orang mengikuti konferensi tahunan tentang kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia atau Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy (CIFP) 2019 di Jakarta, Sabtu (30/19). Kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) itu bertema “Cooling Off The Hot Peace Strategic Opportunities and Economic Remedies for a Distressful World”.

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