FPCI Issues to Watch on Covid-19, US-China Relations, and ASEAN – Interview with Prof. Kishore Mahbubani

Along with the rising cases of coronavirus infection around the world, the political tensions between global major powers are also growing significantly. Experts from all over the world start to discuss the geopolitical and geo-economics aspects of the COVID-19 outbreak. From the fragility of the globalized system, the changes in global economic directions until the analysis of US-China power race competition during and after the coronavirus pandemic.

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FPCI Countries to Watch on South Korea and COVID-19 Outbreak – Interview with Ambassador Kim Chang-Beom

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on March 11th that coronavirus outbreak or also known as COVID-19 considered as the global pandemic. More and more countries are affected by the spread of this inevitable deathly virus. Governments all around the world are urged to enhance the containment and mitigation measures to protect its citizens from the COVID-19 infection. However, recently one country has garnered praise from around the world, on how the government-controlled the epidemic.

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Denmark Yakin RI Punya Potensi Besar Memajukan Energi Baru dan Terbarukan – Liputan6.com

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Dalam acara Public Discussion Forum yang diselenggarakan oleh FPCI (Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia) pada Rabu, (4/3/2020), Duta Besar Denmark untuk RI, Rasmus Abildgaard Kristensen mengatakan bahwa Indonesia memiliki potensi pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan yang besar dalam beberapa tahun. Alasannya karena memiliki melimpahnya sumber daya alam yang mendukung.

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CIFP Beri Masukan Politik Luar Negeri – Media Indonesia

RIBUAN orang mengikuti konferensi tahunan tentang kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia atau Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy (CIFP) 2019 di Jakarta, Sabtu (30/19). Kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) itu bertema “Cooling Off The Hot Peace Strategic Opportunities and Economic Remedies for a Distressful World”.

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