Takeaways from the G7 Hiroshima Summit

On 19-21 May 2023, the 49th G7 Summit was held in Hiroshima, Japan where leaders of G7 countries gathered to discuss a number of challenges to peace and prosperity facing the global order. Swipe left to find out the key takeaways from the summit!

Key Point on the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Annual Press Statement 2023

Every year, the Foreign Minister of Indonesia delivers the Annual Minister of Foreign Affairs Press Statement (PPTM). PPTM highlights Indonesia’s diplomatic achievements in the previous year and presents Indonesia’s foreign policy priorities for the following year. The speech is also crucial in understanding how Indonesia will approach its ASEAN 2023 Chairmanship and knowing what Indonesia has achieved from its G20 Presidency.

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia Annual Press Statement 2023

Every year, the Foreign Minister of Indonesia delivers the Annual Minister of Foreign Affairs Press Statement (PPTM). PPTM highlights Indonesia’s diplomatic achievements in the previous year and presents Indonesia’s foreign policy priorities for the following year. The speech is also crucial in understanding how Indonesia will approach its ASEAN 2023 Chairmanship and knowing what Indonesia has achieved from its G20 Presidency.

Key Point on the 36th ASEAN Summit

Vietnam as the Chairman of ASEAN this year held virtually the 36th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit. With the theme of “Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN”, the summit was focused on the COVID-19 pandemic response, post-pandemic recovery and further cooperation with partner countries. The Summit also discussed the South China Sea and the importance of RCEP.

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The Future of Palestinian Statehood: What’s next?

With such deep roots of historical and sectarian clashes, the Israel – Palestine conflict can be traced all the way back to the 1900s. For more than 50 years, Israel occupation in the West Bank have continued to bring not only military casualties, but also civilian victims. Peace negotiations and mediation efforts have all failed to reach an agreement. That is, until the Trump Administration announced the Middle East Peace Plan on January that endorses an annexation plan of the West Bank on July 1st. What can be made of this development?

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Chinese Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy

Since the coronavirus pandemic, the tone of Chinese diplomacy started to be more escalated and fractious especially in countering attacks and criticisms from foreign governments. These behaviours have been interpreted as “wolf-warrior diplomacy”. What does it mean and has it become the new norm of Chinese diplomacy?

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Global Efforts to Discover Covid-19 Vaccine

The efforts of developing the vaccine for COVID-19 has become the top priority for countries around the world to be able to solve this unprecedented global health crisis. Who is involved in the endeavor so far? How much is the cost to develop the vaccine and what are the challenges posing the discovery?

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European Union (EU)’s ways in Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pandemics have plagued civilizations throughout human history, the coronavirus outbreak is having a profoundly negative impact on people’s livelihoods and on economic growth. The European Union is working on all fronts to provide for immediate cash relief to those sectors affected, to make sure they retain productive capacity and to meet emergency needs.

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