FPCI Roundtable Discussion with National Committee on United States–China Relations

FPCI hosted a delegation from the National Committee on United States–China Relations in an exclusive and candid roundtable discussion at Bengkel Diplomasi, FPCI Secretariat. During the roundtable, experts and eminent figures engaged in a discussion on the complex dynamics between the United States and China. They also exchanged perspectives on critical issues such as geopolitical tensions and other global challenges.

Heart-to-Heart | President Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy Talks To Indonesia

The war in Ukraine stands out as the world’s most ferocious war today. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to tens of thousands of lives lost (and counting) on both sides, massive destructions, countless civilian casualties, and around 12 million Ukrainians refugees and displaced persons. Moscow’s initial belief that the invasion would be over in a matter of days has been thwarted by the epic resistance from Ukrainian military forces and civilian fighters. Despite attempts at peace talks, the war continues indefinitely. The Ukraine war has brought about far reaching impacts on the world order, geopolitical dynamics, and global economy, affecting multilateralism, international finance and trade, energy security, food security, supply chain, etc.

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Virtual Public Discussion on “Is There an Arms Race Taking Place in the Indo-Pacific Region?”

There have been diverse perceptions on the current state of security in the Indo-Pacific after AUKUS announcement and the recent development of QUAD engagement. Some Southeast Asian countries have expressed concerns on the increasing military power projection in the region that might trigger (or escalate) an arms race. This brought a vague conclusion on how should ASEAN respond to the great powers’ moves on the region’s geopolitics chessboard. For this reason, the public discussion was held.

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Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth (DISG): The Next Chapter of ASEAN and Japan Economic Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era

In collaboration with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA); the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI); and the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC), Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia had the pleasure to host the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan– H.E. Koichi Hagiuda.

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Net Zero Indonesia by 2050: Roadmap for Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy

In cooperation with the Institute for Essential Services Reform; Kementerian PPN RI/Bappenas; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH; dan Germany Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety under Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) Programme, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia convenes “Net Zero Indonesia by 2050: Roadmap for Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy” to introduce a roadmap which will allow Indonesia to achieve net-zero emissions in the energy sector while sustainably thriving in meeting its power demand.

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FPCI Public Discussion on Indonesia’s 6-Month Economic and Political Review 2021

Despite the disruptions it entails, COVID-19 has brought about a great opportunity for reforms in many sectors. However, Indonesia seems to be slow in adapting to these changes. The manufacturing sector may have positive expansion since October 2020, but Indonesia’s economy should not rely only on that sector alone to reach a 4.5 percent growth at the end of 2021 and above 5.0 percent in 2022 as planned. Indonesia also witnessed several political dynamics such as the launch of a sovereign wealth fund and changes in the cabinet’s nomenclature that raised many questions.

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New Southern Policy for a Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous ASEAN Region

Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) and Korea Foundation (KF) have successfully convened the Indonesia-Korea New Southern Policy Young Professionals Lab on 24-25 May 2021. The NSP Young Professionals Lab is a comprehensive program that specifically seeks to promote, incentivize, and increase the number of policy briefs on the Republic of Korea’s NSP coming from the Indonesian young professional community—emerging young academicians, researchers, experts, and policymakers. Selected young professionals were gathered to provide innovative and concrete policy recommendations to enhance the realization of NSP goals in target countries, especially Indonesia.

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In Conversation with COP26 President Alok Sharma

As it is set for November 2021 after having been postponed since last year, we delve into the preparations towards COP26. What has been achieved? What should be improved? How do countries tackle climate change issues?

Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) cordially invites you to follow an armchair discussion between FPCI Chairman Dr. Dino Patti Djalal and President of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Alok Sharma.

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