The Disproportionate Effect of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers in ASEAN – Opinion by Camille Bismonte

A significant percentage of all ASEAN workers consist of migrant labor, whose remittances contribute a substantial proportion of GDP in many nations around the region. In light of COVID-19, however, the impact on these migrant workers has been significantly higher — and the consequences devastating. Migrant workers are often the most overlooked population during a crisis such as the pandemic, and they are now being viewed as the primary cause for second-wave infections. If issues involving marginalized communities such as migrant workers are not addressed, this will fuel more virus containment obstacles going forward.

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Virtual Public Discussion – COVID-19 Update: Indonesia’s Economic and Political Review 2020

With the spreading of COVID-19 outbreak, the beginning of the year 2020 has seen a critical threat to state’s economy. In financial sector, Indonesia is under a threat of flagging rupiah with the currency exchange rate reached 16,625 as of 24 March 2020—the weakest since 1998 crisis. Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani stated that the worst situation of Indonesia’s growth could reach minus 0.4%. The pandemic is also testing political leadership of President Jokowi and his administration. Government’s efforts in dealing with the crisis are being questioned and considered lack of transparency. How has the pandemic impacted the economic and political condition in the last few months? Will political instability follow as caused by health crisis that triggered economy crisis?

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Global Efforts to Discover Covid-19 Vaccine

The efforts of developing the vaccine for COVID-19 has become the top priority for countries around the world to be able to solve this unprecedented global health crisis. Who is involved in the endeavor so far? How much is the cost to develop the vaccine and what are the challenges posing the discovery?

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Virtual Public Discussion – The Crash of Oil Price: What does it mean for Indonesia?

The combination of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the oil collapse has created new threats to the economy, along with political instability and poverty in countries reliant on oil sales. The oil price war could be traced back to when OPEC producers tried to negotiate a production cut in line with a global demand slowdown and this condition has led to the oil price crash. With lockdown measures being implemented in 187 countries – bringing mobility to a halt- demand for oil has fallen resulted in the global oil price crash.

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Virtual Public Discussion – Ramadan during COVID-19: How Countries and Communities in Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Pakistan Ensure a Safe Ramadan amidst the Pandemic

Ramadan is known as the time when gatherings and activities such as communal prayers, communal meals or banquets and pilgrimages are conducted every day amongst family, friends and also the mosque community. However, with the current COVID-19 pandemic, governments and the World Health Organizations (WHO) have taken several measurements to ensure a safe Ramadan practice while maintaining social distancing. As a result, physical worships such as communal prayers and religious sermons have been avoided and prayers are conducted at home using virtual alternatives.

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European Union (EU)’s ways in Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pandemics have plagued civilizations throughout human history, the coronavirus outbreak is having a profoundly negative impact on people’s livelihoods and on economic growth. The European Union is working on all fronts to provide for immediate cash relief to those sectors affected, to make sure they retain productive capacity and to meet emergency needs.

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Special Virtual Public Discussion – Indonesia’s Foreign Policy in Addressing the Threat of COVID-19

Like all countries around the world, for Indonesia, diplomacy is a critical part of the life-and death efforts to beat the Covid-19 pandemic. This involves a variety of important tasks: evacuating Indonesian citizens from affected areas, coordinating with WHO on Covid-19 knowhow, securing medical equipments including test kits from international manufacturers, pushing an ASEAN response, ensuring effective international cooperation, mitigating the economic impacts of Covid-19, and so on.

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Paris Peace Forum – 2020 Call for Projects

???? Do you have a project seeking to respond to the #COVID19 crisis, improve our collective resilience and build a more robust and sustainable world? Apply now to the #ParisPeaceForum Call for Projects!

???? The #ParisPeaceForum2020 tackles the #COVID19 pandemic head-on in its annual Call for Projects. In times of international crisis, #multilateralismmatters more than ever. Apply today:

???? Calling all #SolutionsforPeace! The #ParisPeaceForum2020 is just around the corner, and the Call for Projects has officially begun! Do you have a project offering a concrete solution to tackle global challenges? Submit your project today.

⏱️ The countdown is on! All key actors of #globalgovernance are invited to submit their #SolutionsforPeace to the #ParisPeaceForum 2020 Call for Projects. Don’t wait until the 12 May, submit your project today!