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Public Intellectual Event

Public Intellectual Event is the FPCI’s regular outreach event held minimum twice a month. The event regularly held in FPCI’s function room, Bengkel Diplomasi which attracts over 120 representatives from civil society, academia, business, media, governments, and students featuring leading experts and prominent speakers. FPCI have jointly co-hosted several public intellectual events that participants to discuss the latest developments in wide range of issues in international affairs.

Youth Development Program

FPCI Youth Engagement Program is dedicated to educate and develop young people as they are the key for the development of future generations. FPCI provides several programs that provide a space and opportunities for youth to gain experience and build connection through internship and other programs that allow them to connect and exchange views with youth from other countries.

Corporate Partnership Program

FPCI provides a platform for companies that would like to collaborate to co-host certain project or event that requires government engagement and community outreach to promote best practice values together. Under its tailored corporate program, FPCI is committed to assist the companies to understand the key issues in Indonesian market and identify the key actors behind the power play to help them respond on wide arrays of challenges. Over the years, FPCI has been collaborating with its corporate partners to co-host Indonesia’s Economic and Political Briefing Series and events dedicated to discuss the pressing issues in business.

Foreign Policy Briefing

Dr. Dino Patti Djalal and other co-founders of FPCI have frequently addressed executive briefings, conferences, and summits. Drawing from their experiences and expertise in international affairs, FPCI welcomes opportunity to partner with relevant organization in providing briefs concerning global economy, geopolitics, geo-economics, and other foreign policy-related issues.

Policy Discussion

Our partnership is also open for any institutions that would like to jointly convene an in-depth and policy-oriented discussion on key areas of issues in foreign policy, economic and political situation, and government regulations. The format of policy discussion is closed-door meeting and small group—only 50-60 participants.

Policy Research Program

The newly established FPCI Research and Analysis (R&A) is designed to conduct research and produce writing on wide arrays of issues focusing on Geopolitics, ASEAN, Diaspora, Emerging powers, Middle powers, Globalization, Diplomacy. Partnership in this program allows partner to have an in-depth analysis by FPCI or jointly involve in the research process on particular topic.

Multi-Track Diplomacy

Partnership in this program will enable FPCI and its partner to gather scholars, experts, and officials to have Track 1.5 Dialogue, Track 2 Dialogue, and/or Scholar or Expert Visit. The topic of discussion is subject to further discussion between FPCI and partners.

Our Partners

Contact Us for Partnership

Afni Damanik | +62 878 8873 9669