Dino Patti Djalal | A Timely Fatwa from Indonesia’s Highest Islamic Council on Climate Change

Last November 2023, Indonesia released its first Fatwa on climate change. Indonesia’s highest Islamic authority, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), issued the Fatwa on Global Climate Control Law, which rules that any actions that damage nature and impact climate crisis are haram or forbidden. What is the significance of this newly issued Fatwa to Indonesia’s climate discourse? With the largest Muslim population in this world, how would it influence the perception of the people further to understand the urgency of climate actions for our livelihood? Check out Dr. Dino Patti Djalal’s analysis regarding this recently launched Fatwa on Global Climate Control Law and its significance in boosting Indonesia’s climate efforts through the perspective of Islam.

Dino Patti Djalal | Kunjungan Prabowo Subianto ke Tiongkok dan Jepang: The Game is On!

Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto baru saja melakukan kunjungan kepada Presiden Tiongkok H.E. Xi Jinping dan Perdana Menteri Jepang H.E. Fumio Kishida. Kedua kunjungan ini merupakan kunjungan ke luar negeri pertama yang dilakukan oleh Prabowo Subianto usai pengumuman hasil Pemilihan Presiden oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU). Namun, apa arti dari pertemuan ini? Simak analisis Dr. Dino Patti Djalal mengenai arti dari pertemuan Presiden Terpilih Prabowo Subianto dengan para pemimpin dari dua negara besar di Asia, Tiongkok dan Jepang.