Media Coverage from The Jakarta Post – 21 October, 2018

The Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) granted the Courage for Peace Award to North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in for their initiative to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula.

“The FPCI strongly highlights the peace process on the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, we gladly give this Courage for Peace Award,” said FPCI founder Dino Patti Djalal at the opening ceremony of the community’s annual conference, the Conference of Indonesian Foreign Policy (CIFP) 2018, in Jakarta on Saturday.

The award, received by North Korean and South Korean ambassadors to Indonesia, An Kwan-il and Kim Chang-beom, respectively, was given amid lively applause and cheers from the conference participants. They cheered as both envoys showed signs of solidarity by raising their joined hands in the air.

“It is a great honor to receive this special award for Mr. Kim Jong-un. I will do my best to deliver this award as soon as possible to the highest Mr. Kim Jong-un,” said the North Korean An during the event.

He said his leader had been attempting to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula, hence easing tensions in the area. He then gave credit to the international community, saying that because of their support, the peace process could go well.

South Korean Kim also expressed his gratitude for the award, saying that the two Koreas could now stand together due to a common aspiration. “We are here standing by together [because we are] united by one thing, by a common aspiration: aspiration for peace and peace-building in the Korean Peninsula,” he said in his speech.

“Such a dramatic change is possible due to support of people here and around the world,” Kim said. “It is, however, still in the initial stage. Hopefully you will always stand with us, as well as the journey to the peaceful world.” (evi)

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